In the World of Dementia......A Short, Humorous and Factual Post

In the world of dementia.........

  • It takes 5 seconds to brew 4 cups of coffee, approximately 10 seconds after you've asked someone to make the coffee.
  • It is time for your morning breakfast and coffee after taking a nap after waking up at 4 p.m. in the afternoon.
  • It is necessary to sweep the porch of any water or snow, even if it is still snowing or raining.
  • It makes perfect sense for a 90 year old woman to roll a heavy trash can over a bumpy, uneven yard for the trash man to pick up.
  • It doesn't make sense to get your hair washed, because it is too cold outside. Even though it is too cold, that you won't even go outside.
  • Keeping plastic Venetian blinds closed will keep out heat or cold.
  • You can remember that there are clothes in the wash, but you can't remember the name of the person who lives with you and takes care of you.
  • You order your care giver to take something to her room, and 2 minutes later you tell that care taker that she doesn't live here.
  • A fragile, 5 foot woman  of 90 pounds has the ability to "kick" people out of her house.
  • It doesn't make any sense as to why you are "burnin' up", even though you have on 3 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, slipper socks and tennis shoes.
  • It makes sense to put on your Christmas lights during the day, verses having them on at night when you can actually see them.
  • It is necessary to lock and re-lock your doors, at least 3 times before going to bed.
  • You have no idea why your coffee is so cold after it has been sitting for over 20 minutes in a plastic cup.
