Ultimate Design: Part 1

Hello my faithful readers :)

My prayer is that this post will be one of several, as the topic at hand is for lack of a better word "loaded".  I would also like to add that this topic is something that God has placed on my heart awhile ago, but it has taken some time for God to show me how to write it in such a way that not only makes sense, but will hopefully bless and inspire all who read this, pointing them to the very complex, yet very profoundly simple concept of God's ultimate design: human life.

This particular journey of mine started several years ago when I had learned that the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America had voted to allow gay clergy to serve in their synod. I was distraught and so confused, trying to understand how in the world this vote could have ever been passed. I did my own little research, and learned some things that helped me better understand different angles, reasons, thoughts, etc. that were not my own. However, I still remained distraught with this concept, knowing that a synod of a Christian church was accepting of this lifestyle. 

Now, before I go any further, let me assure you that this series is not supposed to be a series that solely addresses homosexuality, but more so, a series that is meant to help examine where we as Christians and as a church body have "missed the boat" in ministering to those who are gay and/or who struggle with same sex attraction and sexual identity. You may or may not agree with what I have to say, but I do know this: I pray to God that He will enable me to write HIS truth to the best of my ability; that what I write will be a reflection of His heart, and will lead people to Him. That being said, let's get started. :)

"Hate the sin, love the sinner." For as long as I can remember, that has been the response taught to Christians in response of people who are gay. Over the years I have learned that even though this tends to make sense to Christians (the concept of separating the person from their sin), it has little to no positive effect on the individual who identifies himself as being a homosexual. If we really take the time to think about it, how could it have a positive effect,  as nearly all homosexuals view what we to view their "sin" as the entirety of who they are? We can lay down all of those scripture verses that clearly state that homosexuality is a sin, but what use is the law in this situation? Much time and energy has been wasted in debating about how we make certain scripture relevant or non relevant based on the times. We then have the opposing view of how "God is love" and it is unloving to not accept a person being gay, because once again, we go back to the whole concept that being gay is a person, not a part of a person.

So as far as I can see things, Christians are literally stuck in effectively ministering to those who are bound in a homosexual lifestyle.  And, may I clarify, much of what is in this series is only applicable to Christians who are gay and those who wish to minister to those people. None of what I am going to write in this series would ever be received by a gay individual who does not know Christ. Well, I shouldn't say "ever", as I worship a God who is capable of the impossible, but you get point.

Last summer, God brought a man into my life that I went on two dates with, but has since become a good friend. On the second date, we got into a discussion about church politics, to which the issue of homosexuality presented itself. I asked him what his thoughts were on the matter, and he replied that he believes that homosexuality is a genetically born trait. He then asked me what my thoughts were, to which I took a second to pray and ask God to give me the right words. After what seemed like several minutes rather then seconds, I looked him in the face and said very gently, yet boldly "I believe that, although there is ample evidence to prove that there are individuals  that are genetically predisposed towards homosexuality, to say that such a genetic predisposition forces them into a specific lifestyle or way of thinking is one of the greatest lies that satan could ever have a person  believe,  as it goes against God's ultimate design of life and celebration of the roles of man and woman." He sat there kind of stunned, and after a little bit said something to the effect that he had never heard it put in that way. I, too, was stunned at what came out of my mouth, knowing that it was only from God.

Ever since that conversation, God has brought me back to that word: design. It is such a simple, short word, and yet it holds so much meaning.  Gods design is in nearly everything and is visible if we look close enough. However, in some cases, even an atheist would have to admit that the likelihood of something that intricate, that profound, that incredible could not have possibly just come into existence on its own. When we stop and think of the ultimate of Gods design, human life is definitely at the top of that list. Only God could take something as small as an egg and a sperm, and create a living, breathing, intricately and beautifully built baby. Human life is the ultimate of Gods design, because it is a reflection of Him.

As Christians, we all know that the opposite of God is satan. That anything that is not of God is of the devil. It is also stated in scripture that satan's main objective and reason for existence is to "Steal, kill and destroy" (John 10:10) anything that is Gods, especially Christians. Satan hates Christ, and will continue to battle Him until the end of time. So, with this truth in mind, we can clearly see how satan goes against Gods design in so many different ways in this world. As Christians we are constantly engaged in spiritual warfare of good and evil. Earlier I communicated that the ultimate of Gods design is human life. With this truth in mind, is it not too far fetched to say that satan is out to steal, kill and destroy Gods children who are made in His image?

Within the homosexual relationship, there is no possibility of conceiving life between that couple, as God did not design it to be that way. Granted, gay couples can adopt and/or hire a surrogate mother to bring babies in their family, but the design of having a mother nurture and grow a living human being within her womb from the start of a conception ( hopefully done through the love of two becoming one) to the joyful pains of delivering the child into the world, is not present or possible. Thus, the homosexual relationship prevents life by going against Gods design. No life? No image bearer of Christ and less work for satan.

Instead of preaching scripture about the sin of homosexuality, why don't we point them back to the concept of God's design, and challenge them to explore what it means to be a man or a woman? It is clear to me that no human being has the full power and ability to "convert" someone out of homosexuality. God uses His children as tools and instruments to speak through, but ultimately, it is the Holy Spirit and the power of God's truth that has the ability to work on the heart of a person, transforming it and bringing it to a place of understanding and realization that only God can do.

Much like the old saying "you attract more bees with honey then you do vinegar", the same can be said that the gospel will naturally always be more personally accepted then the law. I firmly believe that this truth is a contributing factor to the extremes that we see in the Christian church handling and dealing with the reality of homosexuality. You have some churches who won't even give communion to someone who is gay, while you have other churches that embrace and accept the lifestyle, because we are "not to judge" and "God is love". Truth: satan works in extremes.  It is extremes that divide, not unite. The only thing that it unites are people of the same extreme. Just as Christ is to be foundation, the foundation gives balance to the truth.

In the next couple posts in this series, my goal is to address topics that correlate and fit into this truth. I would be happy to hear any feed back, comments, etc., as I grow as an individual and a writer with constructive criticism and affirmation. I praise God for the opportunity to communicate these truths that have been laid on my heart and will hopefully be worded in such a way that will reach your heart. To God be the glory!
