Farewell, Happy Place

Saying "goodbye" is apart of life. I have often associated a tearful goodbye with a person rather than a place, but this time, it's different. 

About two years ago at the end of January, I put "coffee shop" into my GPS, and was led to a location that I would later affectionately dub as "My happy place". An old train station restored to a Caribou Coffee, my "happy place" was a constant comfort in the midst of all of the change and transition that I experienced since my arrival to Cannon Falls. When I was completing my degree, I did hours of homework. After I graduated, I went there to clear my head, write, journal and spend quality time with my Savior. And then there were those times where life just simply got too much, of which I would run to this refuge of espresso and cozy chairs, find a corner, and cry or just simply close my eyes and try to meditate on the fact that God is faithful and loving, even when you are losing it. I know that God meets us wherever we are, but it seemed that He especially spoke clearly to me within the walls of that nook.

As I am soaking up the last of my precious time in this place, I find that it is also serving as a closing of a chapter in the book of my life. People and relationships are so fickle. They are one of Gods greatest gifts to us, but loving and investing in people is a big risk. You never know when they will turn on you, move away, or simply decide that investing in your friendship isn't a priority any more. However, a building...a special place that one can go to, doesn't change or disappear as easily. Sure, it can get torn down or remodeled after a time, but for the most part it's constant, sturdy, predictable.

I have come to realize and understand that my relationship with Jesus is my true "happy place". He never changes, He never leaves, He never decides to withhold His faithfulness from His children. No matter what life may bring, He is the only constant. He is like coffee for my soul... inviting, satisfying, spreading warmth throughout my body. He invites us to nestle into His word, and listen to His voice in a place where the distractions of this world are put on hold.

May you find refuge in the constant of Christ, and comfort in the certainty that He is and always will be there...and you needn't drive very far to meet Him.
