
As we go throughout our busy lives, we often need reminders to remember to do various things. An alarm clock reminds us that we need to wake up from our slumber and sticky notes are covered with "to do's". When we are hungry, our stomachs growl, reminding us that we are hungry and we receive emails and written statements reminding us of bills that are due ( or over due). In our age of advanced technology, we are even reminded with 'dings' by our cell phones and computers when we have a hair appointment or how many days away a loved one's birthday is. Our world is full of reminders to help keep us on track, and yet I have come to learn that reminders take place in so many more ways then dings on a cell phone or a sticky note on your desk.
About two weeks ago to this day, I fell in the shower, hit my head and suffered a stage 3 concussion. It has been a huge uphill climb as I have been dealing with symptoms that include persistent headaches, irritability, depression and some minor short term memory loss and word placement issues. After taking two days off for rest, I had to get into the "swing of things" again in life. It didn't take long for me to get frustrated as I realized how much I had taken my strength for granted, and how much energy is actually expelled when making a phone call or giving directions to somebody. In my exhaustion and frustration, I found myself getting quickly worn down. I have never experienced headaches on such a persistent basis, so after a few days of constantly dealing with them, I asked God to show me what He wanted to teach me during this time.
I have always struggled to fully rely on Gods strength. For some odd reason, I think that in my humanity I can accomplish and overcome the things that come my way. It doesn't take me long to realize that the only way to break that cycle is to allow myself to be broken, acknowledging my need for God's strength and faithfulness. With every headache, frustration and bought of depression, I found myself being reminded of how absolutely vital it is to remain and abide in Christ at all times. What if we viewed pain and the things that we can't control, as strategically placed reminders of how we are to rely on God's strength alone? How would that change our outlook on our circumstances?
"Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. "-John 15:4

"But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate[a] the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. "- 2nd Cor.3:16-18

As you abide in Christ, you abide in His love. And as you abide in His love, you are abiding in His faithfulness. Abiding in your Father is all that you need to bring you through every struggle that you will face, and will give perspective to every happy time that you are privileged to experience.
