Empowering the Men in our Lives

What does it mean to "empower"? Dictionary.com defines "empower" as "to enable or permit" and "to give power or authority to". Since the late 1950's, America has been on a hot pursuit to empower women. This empowerment included but was not limited to, education, equalization and sexual rights. It was implied that men were too powerful, stifling the growth and the potential of the "weaker" sex. While I cannot deny that abuse from the male gender did ensue throughout the years, I also cannot deny that there is a distinct confusion amongst both genders when it comes to the concepts of "empowerment" and "control".
Nobody wants to be controlled, but there are plenty of people who want to be in control. People who feel the need to control often are experiencing an intense fear of the unknown; what would happen if they actually did let go. Empowerment is quite different. Empowering somebody means that you are giving something valuable to somebody so that they in turn can do something even more valuable. God's word is empowering, education is empowering, self help books and conferences are empowering. As women, we are taught of the importance of empowering ourselves, but as a Christian woman, I can testify that very little is taught about how to empower the men in our lives. There are authors and books out there that touch on this subject, but since this blog is "my little corner of the world", I thought I would share my perspective on this concept.
I am the type of person that can be empowered by words. If you compliment me on my appearance, on something that I've done or something positive that you observe about me, I could live on that compliment for days. Of the "5 Love Languages" (written by Gary Chapman), one of mine is most definitely "words of affirmation". People can be empowered in different ways, placing the emphasis on the difference of personality and upbringing. But in our world, we have often been taught and conditioned to not divide male and female as an example of those "differences". The concept of empowerment in relation to the different sexes is no exception.
As Christian women, we desire to be led by a man who is being led by Christ. Even if a woman identifies herself as being independent and a natural leader, she is wired to desire to be an integral part of an adventure with a man who is beside her and slightly ahead of her. What has been a mystery to me is how do we allow the man in our life to lead us, but also be able to empower them with the strengths, talents and traits that we possess in which we are clearly more of a "leader"in? In other words, how do we supply the men in our lives with our unique giftings, knowledge and wisdom, without knowingly or unknowingly using them as a tool to "get what we want" or control the a situation? Biblically, the man is to be the head of the household and the head of a relationship (1st Cor. 11:3), but also a marriage is comprised of three strands which are not easily broken (Eccl.4:12). Amongst those three strands is woman, completely and totally unique in her giftings and understandings of love and life, a leader in her own right.
I firmly believe that as women of Christ, we are called to empower the men in our lives by simply being present. By serving, respecting, and offering leadership in areas where it is needed. I am learning that the Holy Spirit will grant that discernment as it is needed, and that we need only keep an attitude of humility and understanding. A man who lives his life under the authority and Lordship of Christ is a powerful man indeed, but coupled with a woman who is like"hearted", is a serious threat to the enemy and an important part of God's plan for His people.
I pray that as women we may pray for discernment and wisdom on a daily basis, asking the Lord to show us ways in which we can empower the men in our lives with our encompassing internal and external beauty; a true representation of the Bride of Christ.
