Standing on the Promises

It was a rainy day yesterday, and as I struggled to pull my wits about me with my memory care residents while recovering from a concussion ( long story. I will probably mention more details in another post), I was struggling to come up with something creative to engage my residents in during our morning activity group. The rain inspired some music with rain in it, and then it led to a conversation about the account of Noah and the flood in the Bible. When we got to the rainbow part, I knew where God was leading me in our time together. I gave them each a large print hymnal, and asked them to find hymns that specifically stated God's promises. After doing this for a little while, one of my residents looked at me thoughtfully and said "And us old people, we can say that these things are true because we've lived it!". Her confident statement sent a chill up my spine, and peace to my heart.
In our youth, we can only depend upon the testimonies in God's word and the people in our lives in regards to God's promises and our faith in something we cannot see. We must live years on this earth to see those promises put to work in our own lives. To be reminded of that truth brought me to a place of appreciation for life. If we aren't living, we can't experience God's promises, and too often we don't focus on the rainbow, but instead focus on the storm that forces us to look up.
May you be reminded of God's unending, beautiful, life giving promises. May you view your years on this life as an opportunity to see those promises in action, as they come alive from the pages of His word, translating into your life as a visible, God honoring testimony of who HE is.
