Divorce: It isn't Hereditary or Genetic

 It seems like people in this world are constantly blaming their choices and behavior on their family genetics. While there are legitimate things that fall under the genetics/hereditary category ( health problems such as diabetes, dementia and heart disease would be a few examples) While there are many learned behaviors that we acquire throughout life, so often we forget that we actually have a choice in the matter.Since I was about 14, I've been very aware of those statistics of children who come out of divorce. Basically those statistics state that it is likely that the child will repeat history, and will be doomed to the curse of dysfunctional relationships and divorce.

Throughout my teenage years and now into my mid 20's, I've been faced with the choice of whether or not I'm going to believe that because I am a product of a divorced family, I am doomed in every relationship that I am in, because of the "curse" that rides on our family like a scarlet letter, or choose to believe that as a child of Christ, I have the power and ability to overcome those statistical realities, trusting that God will heal this area of my life and lead me to the man, marriage and family that my heart so desires.
I choose the latter option.
Satan wants nothing more then for God's children to live in fear, and to chalk up the choices of other people as being our "fate". He wants nothing more then for us to try to control our environments, decisions and relationships based on "what we came from". If you are a child of a divorced family, the only different thing that you need to do is educate yourself. Make yourself available to the tools available. Mentorship with an older Christian, pouring yourself into books on Godly marriage, attending Bible studies and seminars on what it means to continue to develop into the future husband or wife that God intends you to be; these are all tools that are needed.
My mother has said on more then one occasion that the answer and cure to anxiety and fear is information. When we understand what is out there, the choices we have to make, etc., it makes the fear and anxiety shrink. But more then this, believing in a God who creates miracles on a daily basis; a God who constantly takes broken, smashed hearts and mends them with His love and promises.
 May you not fall prey to the lies of the devil, cleverly disguised as statistics and wisdom of this world. May you rely and trust in a God who can overcome the realities of family curses, and bring hope, healing and restoration in a way that is only possible through Him.
