Being Apart of God's Orchestra

"We are like musicians in God's Orchestra Pit; He is never late in cuing in His musicians, but always right on time."

That is an original quote, a written result of how I feel God moving in my life. In conversations with people I have found myself using the word "orcestrate" or "orchestrated" on a frequent basis. If we take time to look at each of our personal past's up to the present, we can see the specific notes that were being written on a music staff to create an original piece of music that is in perfect harmony with God's plan for our lives; a melody that is uniquely ours, and uniquely beautiful.

I marvel at God and His perfect timing, and how often times we don't realize it is perfect until it happens. When we let go of needing to know how it is going to happen, where, when and possibly with who, we rob ourselves of the opportunity of experiencing the joy that happens when God hands you another "note" for your melody, a note that just happens to create a complete musical chord that is pleasing to the ear.

How grateful I am that I don't have to write the music to my life. For music that is written by me is often full of minor chords, sharps, and the timing isn't quite right. What a peace it is to know that all I have to do is be His instrument, and He'll play me, cue me, and lead me.

He is the master composer. Have you ever heard the pure laugh of a child, or the enchanting motion of the ocean waves? Only a master composer could create such sounds. Or the young child who sings "Jesus Loves Me", with a faith that as adults we can only hope to imitate?

Have you ever stopped to notice how His creation is composed? The vibrant colors of a sunset, how they swirl together in a fashion that not even the greatest painter could recreate with his brush. Or the trees as they begin to bud, but shed their coats in step with the seasons?

Harmonize the ballad of your life with Jesus, the Master Composer. For in Him, there is beautiful music to be heard.
