A Half Tank of Gas

A few weeks ago, I had plans to go visit my family over Labor Day weekend. I had carefully managed my finances to make sure that I would have enough money for gas there and back, especially because it was the week before pay day, which is always a tight week.
I thought I had covered all of my bases, when I failed to remember an automatic payment that literally took my gas money away. I wasn't sure how I was going to get home, and after a good cry, I realized that I might not make it home. As I cut and pasted my way through being upset at my current reality, (Making signs for the "Resident's of the Day") I realized that it was an opportunity to "accept life on life's terms".
After reaching that place of acceptance, my mom called. I explained to her what happened, and told her that even though I was sad at the reality, I was willing to accept it. Then my mom asked me how much gas I had left, to which I replied " A half tank". I could hear the smile in her voice when she said "Sarah, a half tank of gas will get you home. I'll pay for your trip back"
Isn't that just like God? He provides that half tank of gas; He provides just enough for us to make it home. And furthermore, He'll meet us half way. And to truly put the "cherry on the top", when we can't even make it half way, He'll come to us. In fact, He'll always come to us, we just have to be willing to let Him take residence in our lives.
I think one of our greatest challenges in life is to do just that; "Accept life on life's terms". Somehow we get conditioned to think that life has to be on our terms, and if it's not on "normal" terms ( normal would be defined as how the world views it) then there must be something not quite right. A classic example of not accepting life on life's terms is using credit cards when there are no actual funds to draw from at that moment. The reality is that there is no money to buy what you want or need, so instead of accepting that, we swipe the plastic which puts things on our terms.
Lately, I've come to learn that I don't want things on my terms. One of my all time favorite quotes is by Joshua Harris. "The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing." When it's not in God's timing, when it's not apart of His present plan, it is truly wrong for us at that time. I think it's absolutely essential to our peace to come to that place of accepting that we don't really know what we truly need and when that perfect timing is. We chase after it, we look for "signs", and we continually ask God "Is this it?" but the truth is, until it's on His terms, we won't really know; And, we have to trust Him that when it is time to know, He'll show us.
I thought I had covered all of my bases, when I failed to remember an automatic payment that literally took my gas money away. I wasn't sure how I was going to get home, and after a good cry, I realized that I might not make it home. As I cut and pasted my way through being upset at my current reality, (Making signs for the "Resident's of the Day") I realized that it was an opportunity to "accept life on life's terms".
After reaching that place of acceptance, my mom called. I explained to her what happened, and told her that even though I was sad at the reality, I was willing to accept it. Then my mom asked me how much gas I had left, to which I replied " A half tank". I could hear the smile in her voice when she said "Sarah, a half tank of gas will get you home. I'll pay for your trip back"
Isn't that just like God? He provides that half tank of gas; He provides just enough for us to make it home. And furthermore, He'll meet us half way. And to truly put the "cherry on the top", when we can't even make it half way, He'll come to us. In fact, He'll always come to us, we just have to be willing to let Him take residence in our lives.
I think one of our greatest challenges in life is to do just that; "Accept life on life's terms". Somehow we get conditioned to think that life has to be on our terms, and if it's not on "normal" terms ( normal would be defined as how the world views it) then there must be something not quite right. A classic example of not accepting life on life's terms is using credit cards when there are no actual funds to draw from at that moment. The reality is that there is no money to buy what you want or need, so instead of accepting that, we swipe the plastic which puts things on our terms.
Lately, I've come to learn that I don't want things on my terms. One of my all time favorite quotes is by Joshua Harris. "The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing." When it's not in God's timing, when it's not apart of His present plan, it is truly wrong for us at that time. I think it's absolutely essential to our peace to come to that place of accepting that we don't really know what we truly need and when that perfect timing is. We chase after it, we look for "signs", and we continually ask God "Is this it?" but the truth is, until it's on His terms, we won't really know; And, we have to trust Him that when it is time to know, He'll show us.
Oh friends, that is what it all boils down to... trust. Trusting Him in the midst of uncertainty, fear and longing. Trusting and believing that just like that half tank of gas that was left in my car, He'll bring us the rest of the way home, just in the nick of time.
WOW! This is beautiful- once more! I have done some meditation myself on just "letting go"- surrendering the things that are out of your control to God- STANDNG when you have done all else. God really DOES meet us half way- HE DOES provide for our needs. He is good (Selah)